Recently, the question I am most often asked is: do you only do card tricks? I guess most of my photos are of me with a deck of cards so it's understandable, however, I actually do other effects with bills, coins, a watch, you name it..... just about any small object.

If you don't believe me just check out the pic here. If you zoom in you can CLEARLY see me doing a coin trick (also Zoom in on that girls face she is enthralled.)
Anyway I thought that you would like to know that when you hire me you get a variety of magic, and of course a healthy dose of card magic as well. :)
Hi Chris my name is Fernando I watched you perform last night at the bunker in Stratford I just wanted to tell you again that I truly enjoyed your show You are awesome I watched you turn a twenty dollar bill into 100 also your coins your watch and of course all of your card tricks that you did were flawless and super amazing thank you once again my friend for making me and my friends feel fantastic God bless you I will definitely never forget you and will keep you in mind for future performances thanks again. Have a great day.